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Micro-vibration smoothes the skin, promotes blood circulation and metabolism, and can delay aging phenomena such as facial muscle loosening, wrinkles, spots, and lower eyelids.

The small head can massage even the finest parts of the face. Then, the small face effect makes the contour three-dimensional.

A magic wand that erases small wrinkles and instantly rejuvenate

9,000 beautiful nvibrations per minute

Applying appropriate stimulation to the skin is the basis of skin care. This is a care method that is effective for your skin by improving metabolism and improving blood circulation.

Supports skin with a vibration of 9,000 rpm. Relax and enjoy skin care in about 2 to 3 minutes.

Use pure gold to adjust skin disorder

By applying pure gold processing to the head part, you can feel pure gold power.

Use pure gold to adjust skin disorder. A weak electric current is flowing through the human body, causing skin trouble if it does not flow well due to stress or aging. Touching the skin with gold improves conductivity and activates metabolism.


Skin care while relaxing in the bath, complete waterproof even it is an electric type. You can relax and heal your skin while taking a bath.

In addition, it can be widely used for pinpoint care of areas of concern. 購入こちらへ