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Recommended to those who

care for moisturized skin

AgingCare centers on 12 types of peptides that moisturize aged skin, and moisturizing. The reason why 12GF was born is because we want to save many people who suffer from skin problems.

This series is "I can't let go of it", developed from the belief that you don't need ineffective cosmetics, which is recommended to people with all skin problems.

For you toocan experience the excitement

The 12 growth factors that act on skin cells moisturize not only the surface of the skin but also every corner of the stratum corneum, and condition the texture.

Twelve growth factors that promote the production of skin cells promote skin turnover, leading to youthful and healthy skin.

Improves environment for skin and enhances beauty with a bright smile.

Permeates the finest moisture to the inside, giving the skin a rich moisturization. Firmly tightens every corner of the stratum corneum and prepares a moisturizing environment, leading to moisturized skin from inside and outside the skin.

It firmly retains moisture, promotes skin renewal, and improves water retention.

loves skin care

The skin, which is easily affected by the climate, is moisturized and protected from dryness. A skin care series that delivers a beauty ale to your hard-working skin every day.

Every day, the skin does its best to endure the climate change. Moisturizing skin with gratitude. Daily care is a shortcut to beauty.
